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The Glock 26X - Best of both worlds

So it's no secret that my favorite gun of all time is the Glock 26. I have owned a half dozen of them over time, in different configurations. Then out comes the G45, the perfect mix of full size frame and capacity and compact sized slide with the compact recoil system. This proves to be a truly soft shooter, and has taken the market by storm for the "Duty" grade weapons. So here I sat, thinking, Why can't the same idea work for the G26? G26 Slide with G19 frame and capacity? And I hear you now....  "What about the G43X?"  - Sure - It's there but I don't prefer it. I don't prefer the frame.  "G26 is too bulky" - I don't agree. I prefer to have the ability to use my full size magazines in my concealed carry weapon.  So off to wo...  Read More

Are Snubnose Revolvers still a thing?

Are Snubnose Revolvers still a thing? I get asked this question a lot. My response is always the same, "Yes" and that they absolutely still have their purpose in today's carry solutions. Should you own one? YES. Should you train with one? YES. - No, you should not get your wife one because its "Small."  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why you might ask? Well there are a few reasons: One, Size. The lightweight features of a snub nose and ability to be hidden under the lightest of clothing can never be acheived with a semi auto. There is always going to be that hard line under your shirt, that small part of the grip just poking out like a hernia. S...  Read More